Release Notes: Version 12.1
Release Notes: Version 12.1
Release Notes: Version 12.1
With an up-to-date maintenance agreement, you can download the current version of most eQuorum products by logging into the Customer Area of the eQuorum website. If you don’t have a login, please request a password to gain access.
Major changes and enhancements:
Version 12.1
Version 12.1 is a major release. This document includes the major enhancements to many systems as well as new features. NOTE: The following updates are available for both EDMS solutions: ImageSite and EngineBox.
Enhanced reference control management
A system-wide configuration option allows references to be managed at the version-level, where master and references can be “locked” at specific versions.
Manage reference associations in the References tool:

Users can “freeze” master and reference versions, locking them together:

Additional upload and configuration options for Markup Symbols
Symbols can be imported into the markup symbol library by selecting one or more .dwg files in ImageSite.
Name, project, and category can be configured for the import.

Symbols can also be imported from other projects:

Markup objects can now contain links to other documents in ImageSite

Markups now have a Measurement Tool
Calibrate the tool:

Measure objects:

QR support for ImageSite vectors
ImageSite vectors (links) can now be converted to QR Codes and saved as a PDF. The PDF containing the QR
Codes can optionally show associated metadata.
OAuth 2.0 Support for Gmail
ImageSite can now be configured to send email using a Gmail Cloud application that supports OAuth 2.0.
Additional Workflow steps now available
Workflow steps can now do the following:
• Assign Users to User Roles.
• Clear all Document Flags.
• Set or remove a Workflow’s Primary Document.
• Launch new Workflows. These Workflows have a child-parent relationship, where one Workflow can
alter a related Workflow.
Additionally, document-based Workflow actions can now use SQL-based filtering to narrow document
Browse all Workflow Events by Project
A new UI allows you to see all the events for all Workflows in a Project. The events can be filtered.

Enhanced variable substitution in Transmittals and Workflows
Both Workflows and Transmittals now support a wider variety of substitution variables for more dynamic
creation and usage.
Improved render stream support
Render jobs can now be associated with specific numbers of “streams” based on filesize so that large jobs do
not clog up the Render Queue.
Download progress meter for the Websocket Adapter
When downloading many or large files using the Websocket Adapter, a progress bar will display.
User decommission options
Users can now be “decommissioned” when they have not logged in for a period of time.
Configurable Search result limits
A variable has been created to configure the maximum search results to a specific numerical value (default
User-configurable zoom setting
Users can now configure the zoom in/out percentage for each mousewheel click. This is a per-user setting.

SVG file support for images placed as Markup objects
SVG files can now be added to a Markup as an image.
Guest Projects are no longer automatically deleted.
Guest Projects are now placed in a separate area in the Admin screen, containing Active and Expired nodes.
Expired Guest Projects can be extended and reused without having to remake the Guest Project from scratch.
Note: To see Guest Projects and Users, choose Show Guest … in the information drop down in the Admin tab:

In the Explorer tab, use the Project: drop down to show or hide Guest Projects: